Every construction industry employee seconded to work in France should have the BTP Card. This document constitutes a proof of professional identity. It is also intended to counteract illegal employment in the construction industry. On 1 April 2024, a major change to the provisions concerning BTP Cards came into force. Below we will briefly explain its most important assumptions.
1. Decree amending the provisions
The provisions were modified by Decree No 2024-112 of 15 February 2024 on the professional card for employees in the construction and public works sector (Décret n° 2024-112 du 15 février 2024 relatif à la carte d’identification professionnelle des salariés du bâtiment et des travaux publics).
The decree is addressed to enterprises having the head office abroad and posting employees to carry out construction or public works, as well as to companies based in France whose employees perform construction or public works. The regulation is also addressed to employees carrying out construction or public works, the CIBTP France association and the bodies of national administration responsible for combating illegal work.
The changes introduced by the decree came into force on 1 April 2024.
2. Extension of the period of validity of BTP Cards
The period of validity of BTP Cards has been extended to 5 years. This change applies to BTP Cards issued to both posted employees and posted temporary workers. So far, it was necessary to order and pay for BTP Cards each time an employee was seconded.
In the light of the above, Cards issued to posted workers are to contain the information “Carte valable 5 ans” and its expiry date. On the other hand, cards issued to temporary workers are to include the indication “Salarié détaché” (seconded employee), the information that the card is valid for 5 years and its expiry date.
Due to the extension of the period of validity of the Card, it will be possible to link it to an unlimited number of branches and SIPSI declarations for the duration of its validity.
After the amendment of the provisions, if the posting employer changes during the period of validity of the Card, it isn’t necessary to apply for a new one. However, the new employer is obliged to make the appropriate update. The update must be made before the secondment of the worker to France, via the CI BTP online platform. When updating, it’s necessary to provide the SIPSI number.
It should be emphasided that currently, the place of secondment of employees and temporary workers to France can only be checked in SIPSI. Before the change, it was possible to do it in SIPSI and on Cartebtp.fr.
3. Facilitations when posting temporary workers
After the changes, when requesting for a BTP Card for a temporary worker, the applicant should provide the SIREN or SIRET number of the user employer and its name.
BTP cards no longer include the initial address of the temporary employee’s place of work. Before the amendment of the provisions, it was necessary to indicate the address of each temporary assignment.
4. Information document for employees seconded to France
French legislation require foreign employers to provide workers posted to carry out construction and engineering works with an information document specyfing French labour laws applicable to them and setting out the procedures for asserting rights. The information should be in writing and in a language that the worker understands. The document should be given to the employee at the same time as the BTP card.
Model information document is defined by the Ordinance of 15 March 2024 on the information document issued to employees seconded to construction or public works (Arrêté du 15 mars 2024 relatif au document d’information remis au salarié détaché pour réaliser des travaux de bâtiment ou des travaux publics).
5. Legal notice
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