As in Poland, health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany. However, it should be noted that in Germany, there is no single nationwide health insurance fund applicable to all insured persons. AOK constitutes the most popular health insurance fund – both among Germans and foreigners.
(more…)Employers paying social security contributions on workers’ wages in Germany are required to have a Betriebsnummer. The obligation in question is incumbent on both German and foreign employers. Therefore, Polish employers wishing to engage workers for whom social security contributions will be paid in Germany are also obliged to have a Betriebsnummer.
(more…)Many Polish people working in Germany benefit from Kindergeld. A much less popular allowance is Elterngeld. Therefore, we will try to explain what this benefit is, how to obtain it, how long and in what amount it is paid, as well as whether it can be paid for children born in Poland.
(more…)Very often, persons starting work in Germany are surprised that Zeitkonto is used to settle their working time. Indeed, Polish law doesn’t provide for such a solution. For this reason, we encourage you to read our article. We explain here what Zeitkonto is.
(more…)German law provides for the payment of family allowance for children, the so-called Kindergeld. Not just German citizens can use it. Persons with the citizenship of another country, i.e. of Poland, can also apply for this benefit. In this publication, we will explain you what Kindergeld is.
(more…)One of the formalities which must be completed in connection with the departure of the employees to Germany is a posting declaration to the Customs Office. The failure to respect this obligation constitutes an offence punishable by a fine.
(more…)The German labour market is very popular among temporary workers. Therefore, many temp agencies from Poland decide to begin cooperation with user employers from the Federal Republic of Germany. However, before they start sending employees to work on the western side of Oder, they should complete numerous formalities. One of these is to obtain the authorization to lend workers in Germany.
(more…)Entrepreneurs in the construction industry who want to provide services in Germany should take into account the obligation to pay construction tax – the so-called Bauabzugsteuer. However, it is possible to be exempted from this obligation. For this purpose, it is necessary to obtain a special certificate – Freistellungsbescheinigung zum Steuerabzug bei Bauleistungen.
(more…)Very often, employers operating in the construction industry who post workers to Germany are surprised by the need to pay contributions to SOKA-BAU. This is the German holiday pay fund for the construction industry. A similar institution doesn’t exist in the Polish legal system. Therefore, we will try to explain to you what SOKA-BAU is and what obligations are linked to it for the employer and benefits for the worker.
(more…)Sometimes it’s believed that an employer who wants to second to Germany a worker from a third country, e.g. from Ukraine, doesn’t need to obtain any additional visas or permits. This view is wrong. German provisions require obtaining a special visa – the Vander Elst visa – for such an employee.
(more…)As in Poland, health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany. However, it should be noted that in Germany, there is no single nationwide health insurance fund applicable to all insured persons. AOK constitutes the most popular health insurance fund – both among Germans and foreigners.
Entrepreneurs doing business in another country should take into account the fact that a taxable permanent establishment may be set up on the territory of that State. This results in a requirement to pay tax in the country where the permanent establishment was created on income earned there.
There is a common belief that employees sent to work abroad should always receive daily allowances which constitute reimbursement of food costs and certain expenses. This view is incorrect. Indeed, foreign daily allowances are only due to a strictly defined group of workers.
Employers paying social security contributions on workers’ wages in Germany are required to have a Betriebsnummer. The obligation in question is incumbent on both German and foreign employers. Therefore, Polish employers wishing to engage workers for whom social security contributions will be paid in Germany are also obliged to have a Betriebsnummer.
Persons who perform work in the Netherlands can benefit from various allowances granted by the government of this country. The Kinderbijslag child benefit constitutes one of such co-financing. In this article, we explain what Kinderbijslag is, as well as we present other important issues related to this topic.
Taking into account the length of posting, the legislation allows to distinguish two types of secondment: short-term posting and long-term one. The provisions attach different legal consequences to each of the indicated types of secondment. For this reason, it’s extremely important to understand the difference between short-term posting and long-term one.
Germany isn’t the only country with a holiday pay fund. A similar institution operates in Austria. Its purpose is to protect the interests and holiday rights of workers in the construction sector. Due to the fact that both employees directly hired in Austria and those posted to this country are subject to the building fund, we will tell you how the Austrian holiday pay fund functions and what claims workers are entitled to.
Persons living and working in the Netherlands are obliged to have health insurance in this country and to pay the appropriate contributions. If income obtained is low, it’s possible to apply for a special allowance to reduce the costs of paying for such insurance. This is the Zorgtoeslag health care allowance which constitutes the subject of our article.
A foreign employer sending employees to work in Austria is obliged to notify this fact to the appropriate Austrian authorities. Failure to comply with this obligation constitutes a violation of the law and may result in very serious consequences.
Every construction industry employee seconded to work in France should have the BTP Card. This document constitutes a proof of professional identity. It is also intended to counteract illegal employment in the construction industry. On 1 April 2024, a major change to the provisions concerning BTP Cards came into force. Below we will briefly explain its most important assumptions.
A Polish tax resident is obliged to settle in Poland on all his/her income/revenue, regardles of the location of the sources of revenue. This means that the tax payer should also include income/revenue obtained abroad in the annual return. The PIT/ZG annex “Information on the amount of income/revenue from abroad and tax paid for the tax year” will be helpful in fulfilling this obligation.
Revenue from dividends paid to partners/stockholders who are individuals is subject to personal income tax. The rules for the taxation of dividends paid to Polish tax residents dont’rise doubt. On the other hand, many questions arise in the event that the dividend is to be paid to a person without tax residence in Poland.
As in Poland, health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany. However, it should be noted that in Germany, there is no single nationwide health insurance fund applicable to all insured persons. AOK constitutes the most popular health insurance fund – both among Germans and foreigners.
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